"The Fighter" and "The Social Network" keep being hailed at the 68th Annual Golden Globe Award. Already winning a nod each, both movies add more kudos to make them potential big winners. Melissa Leo follows her "The Fighter" co-star Christian Bale's victory by snatching Best Supporting Actress title.
Winning over her own cast mate Amy Adams, Leo says she should be standing up there too.
Delivering a rambling and emotional speech, the 50-year-old star gives a shout out to Bale and Mark Wahlberg. She also shares how happy she was when met up with the "The Fighter" director David O. Russell in his hotel room. Winning over her own cast mate Amy Adams, Leo says she should be standing up there too.
As for "The Social Network", it gets the second nod for Best Screenplay, thanks to Aaron Sorkin. The scribe credits Sony Pictures, producer Scott Rudin and director David Fincher, and gives a shout out to Mark Zuckerberg and to all the smart actresses in the audience for showing his daughter it's okay to be "elite". He adds, "People who watch movies are at least as smart as the people who make movies."
Fincher soon adds "The Social Network" win as he grabs the coveted Best Director prize. "Here I am as Jean Bennet Rudin," he says. He then makes an awkward Propecia joke and some self-deprecating digs to make an unusual speech.
Another award which has already been handed out at the prize-giving event is Best Foreign Language Film, which is won by Denmark movie "In a Better World".
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