Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man indeed has web-shooters in untitled Spider-Man Reboot. Following speculation about tiny gold objects on his costume as seen in the first official look at him in the film, her co-star Emma Stone says, "It's a device," when hitting the red carpet of the 68th Annual Golden Globe Awards.
Web-shooting device does appear in "Spider-Man" comics.
However, filmmakers of original "Spider-Man" trilogy decided to make the web-shooters an organic mutation since they thought it wasn't possible that a high-schooler could create something so advanced. Web-shooting device does appear in "Spider-Man" comics.
While Stone did confirm the web-shooters, it does not necessarily mean that people will see Peter Parker inventing his own webbing and web-shooting device instead of going the organic route.
Still at the recently held prize-giving show, Stone was also asked about whether or not her character of Gwen Stacy will see any action. On this one, the currently blonde star had her lips sealed and let fans keep guessing, saying "You're just going to have to wait and see."
"Spider-Man" reboot is still in production with Marc Webb serving behind the lens. Joining the cast of the movie are Rhys Ifans who will play a villainous character, and Martin Sheen who stars as Uncle Ben. The action sci-fi film will open wide in the U.S. on July 3, 2012.
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